Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 55

This past weekend I spent at the music festival Blissfest, so I was not around to play in the garden.  I did get to show the garden off to many of my good friends on Sunday, and was very excited to see their reactions.  Unfortunately some things in the greenhouse did not fare well without water and were pretty zapped.  But for everything else things grew to epic proportions and it was time this morning for a large harvest.

Bright and early I went up to the garden with Jill, and we harvested an enormous bounty.  Beets, turnips, lots of radishes, and tons of greens all went into baskets, were displayed in front of the dining hall during breakfast, and then made it into the kitchen.  This evening dinner featured greens exclusively from the garden (including swiss chard harvested last week) as well as radishes and kohlrabi.  It was sooooo yummy and there was even enough to restock the greens once they were all gone. And the best part is that there is plenty more ready to harvest, so tomorrow morning we are going to have a little harvest party at 6AM! 

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