Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 61

It was a busy day in the garden this morning.  At good number of people showed up for this morning's garden party, and it was a trick keeping everyone busy.  Things that usually take me an hour alone or with someone else get done soooo fast when their are five pairs of hands working together.  Among the things we accomplished this morning are:

1) Transplanting the last tomatoes
2) Planting asparagus roots
3) Major harvesting action- salad greens, turnips, green onions, radishes, green beans, cucumbers
4) Helping train the pole beans
5) Having fun!

Thanks so much for the help everyone!!!  I couldn't do it without you

1 comment:

  1. How do you train pole beans? Is it like yoga (peaceful stretching)for beans, or more like boot camp (building muscles)?
